Saturday, June 5, 2010

Where did the Romans live?

When we walk across the Roman ruins, we always see the glory that was Rome, that is to say, temples, Basilicas, statues and reliefs. But, when we come to describe the private life of the Romans , we may feel in discomfort, because we do not know so much of the domestic architecture.
Only Pompeii and Ostia in part supply the information we need: Pompeii will always be popular for its aristocratic domus, and Ostia for its condos and apartments. Rome was similar to Ostia in terms of private architecture, since it had the big domus only on the Palatine Hill or outside of Rome, in the consular roads. A well example of private multi storey house is preserved in the Insula of the Aracoeli, located at the bottom of the Capitol hill. This insula can be seen from one corner of Venice square and shows the practical way in which the Romans lived. At the bottom there was a store and on the first and second floor the apartment where the owner of the store lived with his family.

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